" {{{ Syntax highlighting settings " Switch syntax highlighting on, when the terminal has colors " Also switch on highlighting the last used search pattern. if &t_Co > 2 || has("gui_running") syntax on set hlsearch endif " }}} " {{{ Terminal fixes if &term ==? "xterm" set t_Sb=^[4%dm set t_Sf=^[3%dm set ttymouse=xterm2 endif if &term ==? "gnome" && has("eval") " Set useful keys that vim doesn't discover via termcap but are in the " builtin xterm termcap. See bug #122562. We use exec to avoid having to " include raw escapes in the file. exec "set =\eO5D" exec "set =\eO5C" endif " }}} " {{{ Filetype plugin settings " Enable plugin-provided filetype settings, but only if the ftplugin " directory exists (which it won't on livecds, for example). if isdirectory(expand("$VIMRUNTIME/ftplugin")) filetype plugin on " Uncomment the next line (or copy to your ~/.vimrc) for plugin-providedutocommands if has("autocmd") augroup gentoo au! " Gentoo-specific settings for ebuilds. These are the federally-mandated " required tab settings. See the following for more information: " http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/devrel/handbook/handbook.xml " Note that the rules below are very minimal and don't cover everything. " Better to emerge app-vim/gentoo-syntax, which provides full syntax, " filetype and indent settings for all things Gentoo. au BufRead,BufNewFile *.e{build,class} let is_bash=1|setfiletype sh au BufRead,BufNewFile *.e{build,class} set ts=4 sw=4 noexpandtab " In text files, limit the width of text to 78 characters, but be careful " that we don't override the user's setting. autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.txt \ if &tw == 0 && ! exists("g:leave_my_textwidth_alone") | \ setlocal textwidth=78 | \ endif " When editing a file, always jump to the last cursor position autocmd BufReadPost * \ if ! exists("g:leave_my_cursor_position_alone") | \ if line("'\"") > 0 && line ("'\"") <= line("$") | \ exe "normal g'\"" | \ endif | \ endif " When editing a crontab file, set backupcopy to yes rather than auto. See " :help crontab and bug #53437. autocmd FileType crontab set backupcopy=yes augroup END endif " has("autocmd") " }}} " indent settings. Some people don't like these, so we won't turn them on by " default. " filetype indent on endif " }}} " {{{ Fix &shell, see bug #101665. if "" == &shell if executable("/bin/bash") set shell=/bin/bash elseif executable("/bin/sh") set shell=/bin/sh endif endif "}}} " {{{ Our default /bin/sh is bash, not ksh, so syntax highlighting for .sh " files should default to bash. See :help sh-syntax and bug #101819. if has("eval") let is_bash=1 endif " }}}